from delicious to deleterious!
Food, affairs and money can be a deadly combination, especially when you mix them with adultery, family and business! This catered affair turns from delicious to deleterious! When this hilarious farce keeps guests on their toes. Could it be Marco Stefano, the caterer or perhaps his backstabbing wife, Mrs. Stefano? Perhaps the chef, Carla O’Day has put an unexpected spice into the dishes for the caterer?! Then there’s always the ever-perky, slightly over the top waitress, Pattie Perkie. Does she actually deliver what she’s supposed to and to who she is supposed to? Mmmm, while there’s no doubt this should be a time for yummy food and drinks, perhaps it’s time to take note of who is doing what to whom!
Whose affair is about to end … PERMENANTLY?
This story is set in current day.