This recipe for murder is truly to DIE for!

It’s the finals of the new reality hit show: SO YOU THINK YOU CAN COOK? Someone and their recipe soufflé are about to fall FLAT! Could fabulous cook and finalist Christie Abernathy be as sinister as it seems? Was it all for the ratings or is someone’s Goose Cooked! You just may find these ingredients are truly wacky! Keep calm and cook on… it’s hard to stay calm if one of these contestants is found to be the murderer!

Will it be:

  • Christie Abernathy – Finalist

  • Mimi St. Regis – Head Judge

  • Blake Clysdale – The Acerbic Host

  • Robert James – Finalist

  • Vivian Clysdale – The Personal Assistant

  • Audrey Banks – Show Producer

Who is actually capable of committing such a kitchen nightmare?  Who is cooking the books to hide their dastardly culinary secrets? Is their enough proof in the pudding to put one of these wanna be Top Chefs away for good? If you can’t stand the heat, it’s time to get out of the kitchen! We’ll form teams and question the suspects and solve the case of A Recipe for Murder! Let’s get cooking!

*This story is set in current day and is available in Musical (songs) or Non-Musical versions.